
Saturday, November 27, 2010

Return to Taiping

2nd day in Taiping, I still have nothing else to do other than playing piano, computer, eat, exercise, sleep. No activities! And, I am feeling sleepy and tired!

I am missing Melbourne now. I wish I am still there. But, too bad so sad, I can't.

Friends!! I'm gonna rot like how I used to rot before I leave to Melbourne!

Anyway, I have food to company me before I meet my friends :D FOOod~~~ HAHAH

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Sometimes, not all things that I understand I can explain it out. Not even in situation. I just need to absorb everything and keep it in mind. No use asking me whether I understand it or not because I understand. I will say I don't understand if I said "What?" "Come again?"

Why are you always saying I am not doing the thing that I am doing? I mean I know what I am doing or thinking but why do you say I am not doing or thinking? Whatever I do seems like a different outcome to you.

I guess that I have to learn the way you live instead of the way I live? I can do one. Not all.

I may have no limits in putting you after my friends but you are definitely more important than them. Not in actions but in mind.

Fixing it really need a long time. I am trying but you couldn't see it. Cause, I have been doing the same bloody mistakes over and over and over again. God, help me! I really wish I can fix it, like NOW.

Thursday, November 18, 2010


- to go to Jay Chou's concert in March in MALAYSIA

- to turn back time

- there is video that shows our past

- to punch a wall

- to sit in the bathroom under cold running shower for as long as I can

- I can solve the problems I am having now

- to sleep whole day like 24 hours without any second of eye-opening

- to run as far as I can, as fast as I can

- to cry

- to scream

- to know what people think and feel

- to go back

Monday, November 15, 2010

Questions from YOU

Why did you even bother asking me all those?

"So, he is your best friend. Then I am..?"

"Who is ...." (I'm not going to write it)

Why on earth you want to know? I bet you already know the answer so why did you even care to know? I am not going to bring back the past in our conversations. I just want our conversations to be NORMAL like normal old friends.