
Thursday, January 14, 2010

What is wrong with my father? He's my boyfriend. Is it wrong for me to go out with my boyfriend? What the heck is wrong with it? Just a movie.

Tomorrow go out with Jerusha. Not him. So what if people say I always go out? Who the ass are they to say me? Go out everyday got what problem? Just go out for almost 2 hours only. Not like he will kidnap me or what! Even if you don't feel safe, I feel damn freaking safe. You don't let me go out when I say his name. What the hell? What's wrong with him? Ask me don't go so close to him. I am not my brother! I know how to control my feelings. My brother ownself find fault not me! I am in the correct lane. Eventhough next time things like him happen on me, I won't be showing those feelings to you! Even now I'm happy, you don't even know. What feelings I have, you don't even know. So, when I break up, will you ever know I'm sad? I'm depressed? Heck no! You won't know at all!! Cause you all, none of you in this family know what I feel nor care what I feel! All you think is only your own feelings!

Can't you just give me freedom to let me go out with my OWN BOYFRIEND FOR GOD SAKE??????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not like I'm going out with him everyday. Not like you ever let me go out with him everyday. Not like you ever know what's the feelings of going out with him.
If you disagree of him being with me cause of his grandma is related to my mum's sister, I WILL NOT GIVE A DAMN ASS CARE ABOUT IT! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO SAY IT!!! IT'S A NO BLOOD RELATION SO JUST LEAVE IT!!!!
You have no right to ask me to leave my boyfriend. I have my OWN choice. Love life is my life. Not yours. Not any of yours!

Let me choose my own love life. I will NOT regret!!!!!

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