
Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Since I am in the new year, 2010, not 2009, I guess I'm going to change in the sense of fashion, styles, attitude, personallity, thinking. Hmm. Not that I'll change to the bad one but I will try to change the bad ones to the good ones. And in fashion styles, maybe it will be different from the 2009 Tang Fong. HAHA! Sorry brothers and daddy and mummy. Didn't mean to change my style but mm-hmm, your daughter is growing up with fashions.

I have bad temper. I am going to change this one. Got to try to control my temper when I explore the world. Having this kind of temper is not good at all. You'll tend to make the problems bigger and make yourself stress more. Last time before I enter Form Four, I was able to control. Very well. Things changed. But now,I'm gonna find back the old me :)

Sometimes, I could be very childish. Sometimes, I could be very mature. Sometimes, I could be very open. I think I should be more or less of the very stable attitude kind of girl. When I am childish or mature or open, people scold me. More like nag me. So, I should be more careful on my thoughts. Hehe.

I have to learn to spend money more wisely. I can't waste that much money anymore. NO NO. more..on clothes? :( Okay. I'd bought quite enough for my leaving to OZ. When it's winter, I'll buy those coats or whatever over there. So, I'm gonna just spend money on food? Hehe. Haih. Must be a good girl :P

A new year and a new beginning. Time to throw all those bad memories and think ahead :)

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