
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Genting Highland

Went Genting with Tian Hua, Sher Rin and most importantly Jerusha :)

A 3 Days 2 Nights trip.

It was ohhhhkay la. Not to say very fun cause half of if has been spoilt by my irritating tummy. I can't ride on flying coaster and cockscrew due to the vomitting that I had on the 2nd morning -.-'

HORRIBLE!! But, we played a lot la. Some were closed.

We met Wan Dee, Adeline, Roy and some others. Wan Dee is still Wan Dee but just a little bit too crazy and swear a lot! LOL. But it was fun. Funny too. Had a lot of laughing. Hahah. Nothing much to say about the trip.

But but but but.........................

can spend 3 days with him ma hehehehehehehehehehehe :D:D:D:D:D:D


Knew something about my audition tape. Am very angry with it. Some errors found in the reply.

- Tan Foong Lee <<>

- "His" <<>

- Claimed that I used a digital piano for my audition <<>

So, I really hope they REconsider about it. Its their mistakes. Fine. The 1st 2 mistakes I forgive - chehwah...hehe - but the last one I am totally upset with it. They are professional people. How can they not know what kind of piano is that? Ish!!!!!!! I hope I get in :(

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