
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

My Boyfriend

He said "it's not like this relationship is not working."
- I didn't think about this at all.

He said about Scott.
- You might think he will be like that, but you are wrong.
- You can say you know what he is thinking, I think I know better.
- He tells me about all his feelings towards one girl and I have seen the picture and chatted with her.

He said about the consequences.
- I do understand. Really.
- I've promised him before you told me about it. Even before you told me about it, I was already thinking whether I am doing the right thing or not. After thinking a lot of times, I put friends forward.
- Although I sound like I don't care about what you said - the consequences - I really do care a lot.

He said about me feeling awkward or who awkward blabla
- If you said it is a bullshit, think it in a girl's way.
- If you said it is a bullshit, why will my friends understand what I was trying to tell them? Why would they agree with it?
- Try putting yourself in a girl's situation. It is not a bullshit.

He said about he is the one always asking me to go out and I seldom do and so on.
- You ask me out. Yes I really want to go out with you. But, my dad will never let me. If I go out with you alone and my dad knows, he will not let. Hence, I have to lie sometimes that my friends were with me also. I take risk.
- I ask you out when I'm going out with friends. Cause, you are my boyfriend. Who else do you want me to ask? Another point is, I want to spend time with you also in the meantime.

He said about the tak syokness.
- I'd think before "Its ok if he goes out with her. Cause I did that last time."
- The only thing I tak syok is, you go out with her without telling me. At least I do. Cause I went out with him once before without telling you, you were in total anger. So, I dare not anymore. Then, you go out with her without me knowing about it.
- I'm jealous. Yes I am. Cause she gets to go out with you without her parents saying a thing but I can't.

He said he has been trusting me fully for a very long time.
- Yes you did. But when that thing happened, you said you aren't able to. Now you said you have been trusting me fully?
- I admit it was my wrong last time.

He said he doesn't know why I have the thinking of gaining his trust back.
- I have no idea how to gain that.
- Trust can be gain back
- Because you are my boyfriend and I am treating you as my boyfriend and I think I should let my boyfriend trust me fully.
- So I shall not do things that break his trust.
- But, choosing to go out with another guy as a friend to accompany him to the museum seems like is not a good thing.
- So, thinking for the sixth time, I shall not go.

-------------------------------------------THE END--------------------------------------

I know you don't say "I love you" that often to me and you had told me before.
Sometimes, I just feel like a necessity to hear you say it as a comfort to me.
Sometimes the way you talk to me, react towards me, really makes me wonder whether you really love me or care for me.
I know you really love you - like you said just now until very emotional that makes me melt 15% - but eventhough you really do and eventhough i really do, can you change my dad's and bro's impression?

I hope you understand my feelings also.
Sometimes, I really can imagine us being together till we get married. But, when my dad and bros said things, it's hard for me to imagine.
Maybe now I say I want to be with you always. But, will they ever understand? I mean, I'm the one choosing I know. If they don't, what will happen to me? To you? To us?
Sorry for that pressure you have from them. I know it's not easy.
People say whoever is my boyfriend is a very lucky man. In my mind, it's hard to be my boyfriend as I see my own boyfriend having these kind of pressures. Seeing him not to tell me what he feels, really makes me don't feel comfortable at all.

My boyfriend, is not as smart as you think he is, is not as rich as you think he is, is not as handsome as you think he is, is not as fit as you think he is.
But these are all small matters for me.
I feel happy when I'm with him.
I feel safe when I'm with him.
I feel good when I'm with him.
He bullies me sometimes but I like being bullied by him.
It makes me happy though cause it's him.

The original him, the real him, the true him, are what I love the most.

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