
Thursday, July 22, 2010

Somebody to Love

Maybe some of you out there will think "Glee??" when you guys see the title but I'm not gonna talk about Glee as I never watch it before. The song is just in my head so I have nothing else to put as my title.

So, yeah!!! I'm still alive!! After 2 weeks in college! Yeah!!! -.-'

Well, it is not THAT bad but it is still BAD. Although my days are getting better in classes and blah blah blah. Met quite a lot of people and had fun talking and correcting each languages. Yea man. CORRECTing EACH languageS. Most of my friends are from China and their english aren't that good but we are okay as my mandarin sucks too so we are all equal. We help each other you see? Aawww such a wonderful people. It's hard though to interpret what they are trying to tell me in English. I will have to stare at a spot and think REAAAALLLLLLLYYYYYY hard to get the point. And I will go "YEA YEA YEA" or "Dui dui dui (means correct in mandarin) " or "Wo dong / ming bai (means understand in mandarin) " Then, we laugh and said okay. Hmm....... what a conversation~ It's not that I am laughing at them or look down on them, I am just SHARING my conversations with the China people :)

It's getting seriously cold over here. I'm suppose to shower but I am here writing my blog. Why? Cause, I feel like it. And Why?? Cause, hmm I dont know how to put in words.

Music class is very very fun. Sometimes. I bet most of you dont know I am singing in the choir?? Soprano??? HAHAHAHAHAH Yes I am in the choir singing soprano. Very not good. I know. Maybe some of you will go "Whaat??????????? Seriously??? Tang FOng???? Singing???? Soprano????? HUhhh????????????? That doesnt make any sense!!!"
What the hell, I am in the soprano which I dont like AT ALL!!! The highest key I can reach is D but now you want me to hit the note E and F??????? OH MY GOSH! This is crazy!! No wonder my throat is feeling so itchy now. But anyway, it's fun! It will be more fun when we get to see Mr. Smith does his funny face to reach the high note and the way he stamp his feet, say oh my god with his hand covering his mouth, doing some magic fingers. Obviously nobody laughs out loud, we talk after the class and we were like "Did you see how he react just now?? Its so funny like how he goes "AH!!NO!!" you know??" Bad students talk about teacher. Not good.

I dont want to talk about other subjects. THey are just BORING except my Eng and Maths teacher. Oh yea~ My maths teacher is soooooooooo funny. He always try to make fun of his OWN teaching just to attract our attention. He's way too fun. And my eng teacher, he is always saying "Aiyah!" and he is Ang moh! Very surprising for us when he said aiyah. Its really amazing when you see ang moh tries to speak our language / accent.

Conclusion, nice~~~ Thats all I can say about my college. They are full of fun :) but of course, gotto study right? Hmmmm

Go Go Go Go!! *encouraging myself*

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