
Saturday, July 10, 2010

Differences of Australia and Malaysia

Okay yea. I'm in Australia (OZ). Melbourne to be exact. And I'm going to write out some obvious differences between Melbourne and Taiping.

Melbourne, Australia

1. You can wear snow cap, hat, caps, hoodies, 3 layers of clothes, boots, scarfs, leggings, people will not stare at you and say you're crazy.
2. The toilet is so clean and dry that you can even pick the tissue that is on the floor and it does not stink. AT ALL.
3. You can wear as sexy as you want and people will not stare at you.
4. You can jog whenever and wherever you want without worrying much about people grabbing you and rape you.
5. You can put your handbags on the floor when you are at the restaurant because nobody's going to take it.
6. You can put your bicycles anywhere you want but the chances of getting stolen is less.
7. You don't have to worry about eating or walking alone like an emo kid. People will not stare.
8. When you are at shops or restaurants, even if you are looking only, the workers will ask "Hello how are you? Need any help?" with a smile :)

Taiping, Malaysia

1. If you wear snow cap, hat, caps, hoodies, at least 2 layers of clothes, boots, scarfs, leggings, people will stare at you and say you're insane. Panas la dei..
2. The toilet is so dirty and wet and stinky that your pee doesn't even want to flow out.
3. You can wear as sexy as you want but you will be raped a second after you step out of your house.
4. You can jog and run and walk whenever wherever you want with people following you at the back grabbing you or rape you or kill you.
5. You can put you handbags on the floor. Which means you are giving your stuffs to strange people for FREE.
6. You cannot put your bicycles wherever you want or else it will go missing the minute you walk away.
7. You will have to worry about people staring at you when you are eating or walking alone like an emo kid. People say you have mental problem.
8. When you are at shops or restaurants, nobody greets you eventhough you ask for a service.

So, these are some of the differences that I have in my mind for now. Will add it when it comes into my mind.

Well, Melbourne, so far so good except for my tummy. Tummy isn't feeling good for 3 days already. Not good. NOT good :( I don't even know whether I am hungry or not. Even if I am hungry, my tummy does not want to eat. *cry*

Will update my blog sooner or later :) Goody night !

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