
Thursday, March 13, 2014

I definitely will and I definitely can make it through.

Losing temper whilst knowing it was wrong to just lose it makes me realise things are not as bad if I have never throw my temper.

Everyday I am learning to control my frustration, stress level, anxiety, and all sorts of negative emotions, have me growing into someone who is physically strong, yet weaker mentally. Isn't it suppose to make you feel stronger overall? Do I need to express all negativity to make myself stronger? Or, do I need to cave them in me to make myself stronger in future situations?

All these are confusing to me. What are the support we need? Where, or how are we going to get the support needed? Family? Friends? Partner? Or an enemy perhaps?

I guess all of these depend on how strong our mentality is. And of course, how determined we are to change our perception towards the static goal.

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